OPENING HOURS - Shops and shopping centres are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays from 8am to 2pm. A few shops work in two shifts (they are closed between 12pm and 2pm). It is always possible to find shops which are also open on Sundays, especially in summer, and some shops in larger cities are also open 24 hours a day. Public services and commercial offices work from 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday.
FOREIGN CURRENCIES - These may be exchanged in exchange office, banks, post offices, and in most tourist agencies, hotels and camps. We recommend that you change your money in exchange offices which have the most favourable rates. Bank opening hours are from 7am to 7pm from Monday to Friday, on Saturdays to 1pm, and in larger cities some banks are also open on Sundays. Cash machines are also available.
CREDIT CARDS - The majority of hotels, shops and restaurants accept credit cards (AMEX, Visa, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard).
Channel 1 of Croatian Radio airs news in English every day at 8:05 p.m.
Channel 2 of Croatian Radio airs traffic information in English, German and Italian, every day during the summer